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Dry Eye Blog

Dry Eye

How To Manage Dry Eye When You Have Sjorgen’s Syndrome

A comprehensive guide on managing dry eye when you have Sjögren's syndrome. It starts by explaining Sjögren's syndrome and how it leads to dry eye. The article then outlines various treatment options, such as using artificial tears, medications, punctal plugs, and surgery. Additionally, it discusses lifestyle changes that can help prevent dry eye in Sjögren's syndrome

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How Diabetes Increases Dry Eye Risk in Children and Adolescents

Children and adolescents with diabetes are significantly more likely to suffer from dry eye syndrome (DES) than their non-diabetic peers. Read on to learn why diabetics are at higher risk, and how The Dry Eye Center at My Family Eye Care can help.

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Natural And Holistic Dry Eye Treatments

Medication doesn't always work to heal dry eye syndrome's underlying cause. The following natural and holistic remedies may relieve your eye discomfort and relieve your symptoms.

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High Blood Sugar Linked to Meibomian Gland Dysfunction

Did you know that having atrophied meibomian glands can signal uncontrolled blood sugar levels? To learn more or to schedule an appointment, contact The Dry Eye Center at My Family Eye Care today!


OptiLight by Lumenis

Dry eye disease is becoming increasingly common, affecting millions of people worldwide. This chronic condition can significantly impact your life, sometimes making even the smallest of tasks seem difficult. If you have eye pain, blurry vision, and dry or watery eyes, it could be a sign that you have dry...
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Why Drinking Coffee May Reduce Your Dry Eye Symptoms

Caffeinated coffee can be drying to the body, but that may not be true for the eyes. Here’s what you need to know about coffee and dry eye syndrome, and how ​​The Dry Eye Center at My Family Eye Care in ​​West Siloam Springs can help.